Endermology by LPG
Conveniently located to serve Dallas-Ft. Worth and Denton County
Worried about that “Cottage Cheese” look that has crept into your skin tone? Endermology is the ideal treatment for cellulite and post-operative liposuction smoothing. Endermology creates a visible improvement in those hard-to-treat “dimpled”areas! You CAN have a smooth backside!
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared Endermology by LPG’s Therapeutic Massagers for the following intended uses:
- Temporarily improves the appearance of cellulite and circunferencial body measurements of cellulite treated areas.
- Temporarily improves local blood circulation
- Relieves delayed onset muscle soreness.
- Relieves muscle spasm.
- Improves local circulation during burn rehabilitation. (Prescription only)
Endermology also works hand-in-hand with liposuction to achieve the smooth finish to the surface of the skin unattainable by surgery alone. Endermology immensely decreases post-operative swelling time and helps to improve some of the lumpiness and irregularities of the skin that sometimes can occur after liposuction. Some physicians even claim a decrease in their revision rate after integrating Endermology with post liposuction patients.
Endermology stimulates fibers below the skin (collagen and elastin) to help tighten and tone the skin on all areas of the body. Even on one of the most difficult parts of the body to improve-the upper arms-dramatic improvements can be made. Endermology does require a maintenance schedule, but the treatments can tighten those areas that trips to the gym don’t improve.
The surgeons and staff at the American Institute of Plastic Surgery in Plano offer the highest level of professional excellence along with a down-to-earth, caring approach. Call (972) 543-2477 to schedule an appointment.